Guest-editors: Svitlana Antonyuk, Predrag Kovačević, and Stefano Quaglia
Special Collection: Thematic formatives and linguistic theory
What 1sg forms tell us about Spanish theme vowels
Antonio Fábregas
2022-09-22 2022 • Volume 7
Also a part of:
What differentiates Serbo-Croatian verbal theme vowels: content or markedness?
Stefan Milosavljević and Boban Arsenijević
2022-09-27 2022 • Volume 7
Also a part of:
Inflectional classes in Kipsigis
Maria Kouneli
2022-11-03 Thematic formatives and linguistic theory
Also a part of:
To v or not to v ? Theme vowels, verbalizers, and the structure of the Ancient Greek verb
Laura Grestenberger
2022-11-03 Thematic formatives and linguistic theory
Also a part of:
Does French have theme vowels?
Natascha Pomino and Eva-Maria Remberger
2022-12-21 Thematic formatives and linguistic theory
Also a part of:
Theme-vowel class indeterminacy and root allomorphy in Slovenian
Marko Simonović and Petra Mišmaš
2023-02-16 Thematic formatives and linguistic theory
Also a part of:
Root-adjacent exponence in the Sanskrit, Ancient Greek, and Latin verbal systems
Andrea Calabrese and Roberto Petrosino
2023-11-08 2023 • Volume 8
Also a part of:
Thematic non-uniformity of Russian vocalic verbal suffixes
Ora Matushansky
2024-01-31 2024 • Volume 9
Also a part of:
The status of verbal theme vowels in contemporary linguistic theorizing: some recent developments. An introduction.
Predrag Kovačević, Svitlana Antonyuk and Stefano Quaglia
2024-09-10 2024 • Volume 9
Also a part of:
Data-driven analyses of ellipsis (mis)matches
Neoconstructionist perspectives on form and meaning composition
On the nature of agents
Change of state expressions
The syntax of argument structure alternations across frameworks
Thematic formatives and linguistic theory
Multivaluation in agreement
GLOWing Papers 2021
Speaker, Addressee, and Social Relation
Non-Conservativity with Precise Proportions
GLOWing Papers 2020
The grammar of Agree(ment) and Reference
Meaning-driven selectional restrictions in the domain of clause embedding
The acquisition of the syntactic tree. Insights from cartography
GLOWing Papers 2019
Definiteness and referentiality
Contrastive, given, new - encoding varieties of topic and focus
New perspectives on the NP/ DP debate
Micro-variation in subject realization and interpretation
Subject Extraction
Information structure and syntactic change
Experimental Approaches to Ellipsis
GLOWing Papers 2018
Formal Approaches to Dialectal Syntax
Rhotics in Phonological Theory
Resolving conflicts within and across modules
The Grammar of Dispositions
Unergative predicates. Architecture and variation
Beyond descriptive and metalinguistic negation
Participles: Form, Use and Meaning
The interpretation of the mass-count distinction across languages and populations
The Internal and External Syntax of Adverbial Clauses
Individuals, Communities, and Sound Change
Motivating Form in Morpho-syntax
Quantifier Scope
Acquisition of Quantification
Probabilistic grammars
Prosody and constituent structure
Suspended Affixation
Marginal Contrasts
Perspective Taking
Focus concord constructions in Japanese and other languages
Headedness in Phonology
Internally-Headed Relative Clauses
What drives syntactic computation?