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2018 • Volume 3


Competing analyses and differential cost in the production of non-subject relative clauses
Competing analyses and differential cost in the production of non-subject relative clauses

Letícia M. Sicuro Corrêa, Marina R. A. Augusto and Mercedes Marcilese

2018-05-18 2018 • Volume 3

Prosodic focus in English vs. French: A scope account
Prosodic focus in English vs. French: A scope account

Jozina Vander Klok, Heather Goad and Michael Wagner

2018-06-15 2018 • Volume 3

The acquisition of adjunct control is colored by the task
The acquisition of adjunct control is colored by the task

Juliana Gerard, Jeffrey Lidz, Shalom Zuckerman and Manuela Pinto

2018-06-20 2018 • Volume 3

Scope marking and prosody in Hungarian
Scope marking and prosody in Hungarian

Beáta Gyuris and Scott R. Jackson

2018-08-02 2018 • Volume 3

Also a part of:

Collection: Quantifier Scope

From additivity to mirativity: The Cantonese sentence final particle tim1
From additivity to mirativity: The Cantonese sentence final particle tim1

Grégoire Winterstein, Regine Lai, Daniel Tsz-Hin Lee and Zoe Pei-Sui Luk

2018-08-13 2018 • Volume 3

Case/agreement matching: Evidence for a cognitive bias
Case/agreement matching: Evidence for a cognitive bias

Michelle Sheehan, Albertyna Paciorek and John Williams

2018-08-20 2018 • Volume 3

Self-embedding and complexity in oral registers
Self-embedding and complexity in oral registers

Elisabeth Verhoeven and Nico Lehmann

2018-08-20 2018 • Volume 3

General introduction: A comparative perspective on probabilistic variation in grammar
General introduction: A comparative perspective on probabilistic variation in grammar

Jason Grafmiller, Benedikt Szmrecsanyi, Melanie Röthlisberger and Benedikt Heller

2018-08-29 2018 • Volume 3

Also a part of:

Collection: Probabilistic grammars

DOM and dative case
DOM and dative case

András Bárány

2018-09-07 2018 • Volume 3

On “zero” and semantic plurality
On “zero” and semantic plurality

Lisa Bylinina and Rick Nouwen

2018-09-07 2018 • Volume 3

The abundance inference of pluralised mass nouns is an implicature: Evidence from Greek
The abundance inference of pluralised mass nouns is an implicature: Evidence from Greek

Agata Renans, Jacopo Romoli, Maria Margarita Makri, Lyn Tieu, Hanna de Vries, Raffaella Folli and George Tsoulas

2018-10-03 2018 • Volume 3