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2021 • Volume 6


Verb-second in spoken and written Estonian
Verb-second in spoken and written Estonian

Virve-Anneli Vihman and George Walkden

2021-02-04 2021 • Volume 6

Gender attraction in sentence comprehension
Gender attraction in sentence comprehension

Jorge González Alonso, Ian Cunnings, Hiroki Fujita, David Miller and Jason Rothman

2021-02-18 2021 • Volume 6

How children attend to events before speaking: crosslinguistic evidence from the motion domain
How children attend to events before speaking: crosslinguistic evidence from the motion domain

Ann Bunger, Dimitrios Skordos, John C. Trueswell and Anna Papafragou

2021-03-24 2021 • Volume 6

Demonstratives as bundlers of conceptual structure
Demonstratives as bundlers of conceptual structure

Eva Wittenberg, Shota Momma and Elsi Kaiser

2021-04-05 2021 • Volume 6

Formal variation in the Kata Kolok lexicon

Hannah Lutzenberger, Connie de Vos, Onno Crasborn and Paula Fikkert

2021-10-07 2021 • Volume 6

Special Collection: Contrastive, given, new - encoding varieties of topic and focus

Special Collection: Definiteness and referentiality

Special collection: Meaning-driven selectional restrictions in the domain of clause embedding

Special Collection: The acquisition of the syntactic tree. Insights from cartography

Root infinitives in Jamaican Creole

Tamirand Nnena De Lisser, Stephanie Durrleman, Luigi Rizzi and Ur Shlonsky

2021-11-26 The acquisition of the syntactic tree. Insights from cartography

Also a part of:

Issue: 2021 • Volume 6

Special Collection: The Internal and External Syntax of Adverbial Clauses